
Terms and conditions

1. TERM: 

The term commences on the date that both parties have signed this agreement and will be terminated after 2 weeks of written notice of discontinuation from the parent or the instructor. After one months of inactivity on your account, any outstanding hours will be forfeited and your account will be closed. 


Personal information is collected and used by The House of Literacy in accordance with the Fair Information Principles published by the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Canada. The House of Literacy collects only as much information as is required to provide services to an individual. This personal information is accessible to the “The House of Literacy” only to carry out their duties. Personal information is stored in such a way that only authorized individuals can access it. Except as required by law, or in an emergency, personal information will not be disclosed to any person or individual outside of “The House of Literacy” without the express written consent of the individual to whom it relates or, if the individual is a child, the child’s legal guardian. 


I understand that “The House of Literacy” team will take all reasonable steps to ensure, to the best of its ability, that all programs and services are provided in a safe environment by individuals with the required skills and experience. I agree that The House of Literacy and its employees, volunteers and agents shall not be liable for any injury to my child or any loss/damage to my child’s personal property arising from my child’s participation in these programs and services.


I authorize the “The House of Literacy” team to administer first aid to my child and to secure medical care for my child in an emergency as deemed appropriate. 


It is understood that The House of Literacy do its best to find a suitable instructor in a reasonable time once a payment has been made. Instructor availability varies depending on the season, subject, and student schedule. Any concerns that a client may have with an instructor should be shared and discussed with Mrs. Kanwal (Director) to allow an opportunity for resolution.


Instructors contracted are not allowed to accept direct employment or referrals from The House of Literacy clients. 


The instructor, the student and the student’s family are expected to relate to each other in a professional manner. Any behaviors that are deemed by either party to contravene this standard must be reported immediately to the Director. Decisions about what actions to take will be made by the Director in consultation with the affected parties.


All missed sessions are charged. 


In situations where an instructor cancels a class, he/she will email the parent directly. The missed lesson(s) will either be rescheduled or adjusted in the following month’s invoice.


An invoice for the month will be sent to the parent by the 1st of each month. Service fee for the month is to be paid in advance latest by the 5th of each month. The House of Literacy reserves its right to cancel the Academic Service without further notice if payment is not received as stipulated.


Payments can be made by email transfer to: k.houseofliteracy@gmail.com or by check (payable to Kanwal Zahid). 


A $45 service charge will be levied on NSF cheques.


The House of Literacy will provide a receipt for every payment received. 


The Applicant hereby releases and forever discharges The House of Literacy the Business, the owners, the instructors, and authorized guests from any and all actions, causes of action, claims and demands whatsoever for damage, loss, or injury, howsoever arising which may hereafter be sustained by my child, in consequence of my participation in the THE HOUSE OF LITERACY program. I, _____________________________________the______________________ (RELATIONSHIP) of the Applicant hereby consent to the above application and in consideration of the acceptance of the same, I hereby agree to indemnify and save harmless, The House of Literacy, owners, instructors, and authorized guests of and from any liability of any nature of kind whatsoever arising out of or in any way connected with any claims or demands made by or on behalf of the Applicant.

We look forward to a wonderful working relationship with you and your child. By signing this form, we acknowledge that we have read this agreement; we understand the information given and agree to the terms as stated in this agreement. 



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